Monday, July 26, 2010

You'll Come

I can't unsee what I've seen. I can't shake the images from my mind. Those babies, that hospital. One doctor here for every 2,000 people. So many orphans. So many widows. My heart is heavy thinking about what they don't have. The resources, the supplies, the knowledge. I don't get it. I don't see justice. But they are His. They are beloved. Their joy is infectious. They have so little, but their hearts are set on Him. They know the big picture. They know this is not our home. 
We worship as one. One body, the church, His bride. The King of glory, the Lord most high, all together praising His name! Barely understanding each others languages and yet hearts the same. This is a glimpse of what is to come. This is a glimpse of the Kingdom. When all will stand together as Your people, lifting our hands, shouting for joy to our King, dancing around the throne, every tribe, every tongue united by the blood. One day, there will be no more suffering, no more sickness, tears will be wiped away and all will know He is Lord! He will reign, the Spirit will flood over, and the enemy will be no more. Chains will be broken, the bondage broken. "Every knee will bow, every tongue confess He is Lord!"

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I Won't Leave This Here

God seems to be speaking so loudly to each of us on this team. His voice so much louder here than at home, or maybe its just that I'm taking the time to listen. We are in constant fellowship here. The mornings are my favorite. We wake up and have time for prayer and worship as a team. My spirit's refreshed and excited for the new day. We are consistently given opportunities throughout the day to sing and dance and spend time with our Lord. The quality time leads to a better recognition of His voice. I wonder how many opportunities I miss at home to sit and listen throughout my day. "Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for your life."
There are no distractions here. There is no interference like at home. When the Spirit is speaking but five other noises are bombarding my ears, His voice becomes muffled. The life here is led simply. Freedom from the chaos & noise I surround myself with incessantly at home. The people here spend their free time in communion with their Father, not with facebook. These people are showing me how to live.

"I am the good Shepherd. I know my sheep & my sheep listen to my voice. I know them & they follow me." 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Now That I Have Seen, I Am Responsible

I am finally making it to the internet cafe where the power is running by generator so I'm not sure if this will last or not. It is our second full day in Gulu after 65 hours of travel. But the Lord has already shown me such vision for a future here with these communities. I prayed for clear eyes to see my purpose. I prayed for open ears to hear Him call my name. And I have seen and heard. 
Every community we step foot in, the first thing that we hear is the need for medical care and resources. Every time the words are spoken, Marisa looks over at me and smiles. She too hears Him calling my name. 

The people have been so welcoming, immediately serving us when we have come to serve. The food has been bad, really bad (fish beef? what is that? and why does it smell like feet?) 

I've already been overwhelmed to see the expectant faith of the Acholi people and how they take even the simplest requests to the Lord, to see the struggles they face & their joy that seems to never cease, to see that by our standards they have nothing and yet they believe they lack nothing through Christ.

I keep thinking of the words to the Brooke Fraser song "Albertine"... "now that I have seen, I am responsible." Seeing the medical center broke my heart. I am now responsible. 

This is Janet. She is a young nurse here who is determined to make a difference. There are so many here like her that work tirelessly without resources, without help, trying to save lives. She taught us to make ORS (oral rehydration solution) made of clean water, salt, & sugar. A basic mixture that is saving so many from dying of dehydration. Yes, dehydration. All it takes is teaching the people here how to replenish fluids and electrolytes and lives are saved. 

I made a promise to her that I will come back. 
I made a promise to her that I will not forget. 

Seeds are being planted here and roots are growing deeply. I have no doubt that a huge chunk of my heart will be left here in Uganda. 

I feel helpless now but I will be back with skills to help those people lined up at the hospital, waiting, hoping that someone would show up and make them well. There are plenty of days where I question going back to school but not now, not seeing these sweet faces. I hear Him calling. This is where I belong. 

"Christ has no body on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion for the world is to look out; yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good; and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now." ~Saint Teresa of Avila

Monday, July 19, 2010


After a very long thirty plus hours of travel, we have arrived in Ethiopia. We still have a ways to go until we reach Gulu but the energy here is already palpable. Its pretty much what I expected - dirty, rundown, undeveloped - & yet incredibly full of hope. Brooke's words keep ringing in my mind... a picture of my heart tied to Uganda with a beautiful bow. When will I see that? When will that revelation come for me? Is my heart ready for that sort of attachment? Am I really ready to jump into this new relationship? What does this place hold for me? I don't want it to be just two weeks.  

I want my heart to be softened. I want to be moldable, flexible, ready to feel the Spirit stirring. I have been brought here with purpose and I don't want to miss the big picture because I am so focused on the darkness. He gives light where there is none, He gives beauty in the ashes.

I'm trying to tune in to the African culture, so as not to miss the beauty. My heart is naturally cynical, naturally a little negative. I want to see the Lord's hope and optimism in this land where things seem dreary and bleak. 
I have nothing to offer these people on my own. I feel unprepared. Inadequate. I want His eyes. I long for revelation! To put off all that is me, this harshness and sharpness, put on all that is Him, a heart of openness, compassion, joy, and grace. Let me love as He loves. Let me be a voice of encouragement. May the eyes of my heart be enlightened. 

He is Holy! His purposes, not ours. Let us trust the immeasurable greatness. The power of Christ in us as heirs. Let us not doubt that power - let us call for angels and miracles. Let us trust that you are big enough. Let us demand the mountains to move in the name of Jesus! All for your glory! All that they may know you are God! 

Luke 12:48 "From everyone who has been given much, much will be required, and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."

2 Cor. 3:5 "Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God, who has made us competent."